Sunday, November 20, 2011

Halloween, Medicine, & Interviews.... Oh My!

So as you've noticed, I've been quite busy lately which is why I haven't been able to blog for like three weeks. But since Killian's napping and I'm taking a break from school stuff, I figured I'd give you all an update. I've been doing another Sub-I at a potential residency program, and my schedule has just been insane. I'm working 12+ hour shifts, getting up at 5am and getting home at 8pm, which leaves little time to spend with my special guy. So all I really get to do is give him a bath, give him his milk, read him a book and put him to bed. Lots of mommy guilt going on these past few weeks. I made a comment on facebook about how it's been rough working 60 hour weeks and a fellow med student replied that it's not that bad. Well, when you have a 16 month old at home who you have to take care of on top of all the studying you need to do for the next day, it's actually quite exhausting. 

My first two weeks of the rotation I've been doing inpatient medicine (meaning, seeing patients in the hospital and not a clinic). It's been quite the transition after doing months of outpatient medicine. In a family practice clinic you treat the most common diagnosis with the most conservative treatment, but working in the hospital you have to always rule out the "worst possible" diagnosis and treat until proven otherwise. It involved ordering lots of tests and labs, managing lots of medications, and making sure the kidneys don't fail!! (If you're in medicine, you understand my lame joke). I also had a couple patients in the ICU die, which is always hard to deal with. Certainly not as hard for the residents who knew them more so that I did.

This past week I've been doing OB, which has been a welcome change. Bringing new life into the world is always exciting. Although, I haven't done OB since having a baby myself and watching my first delivery this week triggered a bit of baby-coming-out-of-the-vagina PTSD. I still can't believe that happened to me. Scary stuff! I also got to assist in a c-section, take care of post-partum moms, and examine newborn babies. It's so rewarding doing OB because I feel like having been in their position myself, I'm more capable of advising new moms with post-partum care. I'm also way more comfortable taking care of the newborns, where two years ago I barely new how to coddle one. I felt like a rock star!

On the home front, we got to celebrate Halloween (I know it was three weeks ago, but I was busy!!). Actually, it was two weeks ago because trick-or-treat was post-poned due to a freak snow storm Halloween weekend. We dressed Killian up in his cow costume, pulled him around in a wagon and made him peddle for candy. Bwahaha. And now that we've come down from our sugar-high, we're inpatiently anticipating Thanksgiving and ready to stuff ourselves full of turkey.  I love this time of year!

So now that I've filled you in, I should get back to preparing for my first residency interview on Monday. I also have to go to an applicant dinner tonight to meet and chat with all the residents at the program. I'm super anxious to get my first interview out of the way, but so excited to wear my amazing new suit! Wish me luck!! I'll keep you posted on how things go. 

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