Thursday, June 9, 2011

Wax On, Wax Off....

As I was plucking my eyebrows this morning, for some strange reason I was reminded of this girl I knew in middle school.  She came up to me one day at my locker and proudly announced that she had waxed her arms.  Seriously, her mother took her to a professional waxer to have her arm hair removed.  I remember thinking, "I just started shaving my legs.  I'm supposed to wax my arms now too?!"  Damn, it was hard being a young girl.

Looking back on it now, I feel sorry for my smooth-armed friend. I bet to this day she still has to wax her arms, and everything else too!  And I think of how I barely have time to get my eyebrows waxed every few months, never mind waxing other body parts.  My "getting ready" routine, which pre-baby used to take me an hour has dwindled down to under a half hour (including shower).  As I said in my last post, I rarely blow-dry my hair anymore (still rocking the low, off to the side, messy bun).

It's not that I'm not putting time to make myself look presentable, which is what so many other new mom's do.  It's like some women give up on themselves once they become a mom.   That was my one stipulation when I decided to have a baby, that I was still going to have "me" time and love myself as much as I love my husband and baby.  So I still put makeup on everyday.  I wear nice clothes (even with the risk of getting baby puke on them... that's what a Tide stick is for!).  I make time to workout- ran 3 miles this morning!!

My husband and I got a good thing going here.  We take turns watching the baby while we each get in some "me" time.  For instance, this morning he played with Killian while I went to the gym, showered, shaved my legs, got dressed and made myself look pretty.  Then it was his turn to work out and shower. Fortunately for me, Killian napped during his "me" time and I got some free time to blog!  We don't feel guilty taking some time for ourselves, and we both feel energized and happy.

So my message to all of you, whether you're a mom or a future mom, is to be selfish and still make time for you.  It's important not only for your health, but for your sanity.  I just wouldn't go as far as to start waxing my arms, though, that could be rather time-consuming and probably painful.

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