I'm half way through my pediatric ER rotation. It's not like I have a grueling schedule, but working 5pm to 1am is exhausting when you have a 10 month old who's decided that 5:30 is his new wake-up time. Don't get me wrong, my husband's been great. He gets up with him and feeds him and tries to keep him quiet so I can sleep in. The problem is once I hear that he's up, I'm up and my mind's automatically thinking of him. And then I feel guilty that my husband, who takes care of him while I'm at work, has gotten up so early.

So in two weeks I will be done with this rotation and be on "vacation". Though not technically a vacation since I'll be taking my boards in August and I have to manage to get a good study schedule while taking care of my baby. And as anxious as I am about my boards and forcing myself to sit down and study, I'm still super excited for having most of the summer off. I can't wait to play outside with my little guy, swim in the pool with him, and go out on the boat with my family. I envision a summer full of bbq's (or mega-q's as my family calls them), having time to exercise, and actually having more time with my hubby.
Though I feel such a sense of relief that I have some time off this summer- on top of my six months I had off when Killian was born- I still can't help but feel saddened that I'm not graduating with my fellow classmates next week. I keep seeing everyone post on facebook about how excited they are to be done and be called "Doctor" soon. Don't get me wrong, I'm so happy for them and proud of them, but if I see one more post about graduation I might freak out! I feel like I've been in school forever and I just wish I was done. I'm sick of taking out student loans, studying, and trying to impress every doctor I work with.
The upside of it all is that I only have one more year left. And unlike most med students, my fourth year is going to be a breeze (a cold one, though). With two rotations out of the way, I'm going to have time off for boards and traveling for interviews, and most importantly time for my family. And if I had to chose between graduating and being a doctor in 1 week versus having this adorable little boy, then the choice is easy. I wouldn't trade where I am for anything in the world.
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