Ever since college I've found it very hard to make time to work out, and even more so since being in med school and then having a baby. I hate running, but I find the more I force myself to do it, the more I enjoy it. More so the endorphin high I get afterwards. I also love to do yoga, but my schedule the last month and a half doesn't allow me to attend my usual classes. I refuse to accept the fact that just because I have a career and a family that I'll never have time to workout. So when I was at Barnes and Noble a few weeks ago I decided to search for a book that could give me some inspiration.
While searching the fitness section and browsing over all these books with women on them who look like they have been a stick their wholes lives and probably could never work out a day in their lives and still look amazing, this bright pink and yellow book jumped out at me. No skinny bitch on the cover, just the words "Hot Sweaty Mama". I immediately grabbed it and started reading the first page. I was hooked. The authors talk you through this book exactly how you want to be talked to. They don't degrade you or make you feel like crap for not having already run 10 marathons in your life. It was refreshing. One of the authors also has a blog, mamasweat.blogspot.com, which is what gave me idea to start my own blog.
I'm about half way through the book and already have found so much motivation. It's all about figuring out how to not find time, but make time to work out. I think the most important message I've gotten from it so far is that you shouldn't feel guilty taking an hour or so a day to exercise. Most moms make the excuse that they feel bad spending time away from their kids to work out, but the truth of the matter is that you're not losing time. If you're not healthy and happy, then you're not going to be the best mom you can be. And ultimately in the end you're adding years to your life and will be able to have more time and make more memories with your family.
I think the most important thing to for me is that I want Killian to grow up knowing how to live a healthy lifestyle. My husband is already pretty great at this- as you probably know from reading about his Tough Mudder race. He works out several days a week and eats healthy. I want my son to grow up thinking that exercising regularly is normal and that you do it not only to be healthy, but to feel good. I just want to be a good example for him. I mean, don't we all want more for our kids than ourselves? I feed my little lovebug the healthiest foods: avocado, bananas, greek yogurt, watermelon, sweet potato.... I refuse to give him any of those little packaged meats (seriously, would you eat that crap?). And despite taking the effort to feed my son healthy stuff, I still manage to sometimes feed myself junk. I have been getter better, but I need to stop putting things in my mouth that I wouldn't feed my own kid.
haha "Hot Sweaty Mama"...I would have picked that up no matter what the subject matter was! Damn catchy title! And as for Killian, I couldn't hand pick better parents to teach him how to be healthy, balanced, and confident. Oh, and make sure you snap the photo when he lifts his first kettlebell!