Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Happy "Mudder's" Day!

This past weekend I celebrated my first official mother's day.  When I was pregnant with Killian this time last year I had no idea what an amazing, wonderful experience it was going to be being a mom.  Even though my life has been so chaotic the past 10 months, I wouldn't change it for anything.  Every day is mother's day to me because I get to wake up to a smiling, happy baby boy who just makes my heart melt.

So to celebrate this wonderful holiday my family and I trekked down to Vermont to watch my husband participate in the Tough Mudder race.  What better gift than to watch your husband torture himself.  For those of you who don't know what the Tough Mudder is, I suggest you google it and watch some videos.  It's this insane 10 mile obstacle course designed by the British special forces, where you have to crawl under barbed wire, scale walls, crawl through mud-filled tunnels, and even get electrocuted.  I'm proud to say my husband and his team finished the race, and it only took him four hours!

For my mother's day gift, my husband signed me up for a 5k.  Now I know most mom's are probably appalled and think that anything less than a day of pampering and maybe some bling bling is complete crap on Mother's day, but I have to tell you that this is a pretty thoughtful gift.  I've been saying for quite some time that I want to run a 5k this summer.  I've been trying to train for it too by running at the gym (which hasn't been working out so well this past month).  The only thing is, I haven't actually made the commitment to find a local run and sign up, and I'm actually really glad my husband did the leg work for me.  And I'm happy to say that he'll be running right next to me :)

On a final note, I just want to wish all my mommy friends a belated Happy Mother's Day.  You all inspire me and have helped me to be the mom I am.  And a special Happy Mother's Day to my own mom, who has always been there for me and is also such a wonderful "Cici" to my son.

1 comment:

  1. I wish I could have been there :) I bet it was exciting to watch.

    So proud of the mommy that you are xoxo


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