As a medical student, I am always respectful of the physicians and other medical professionals I work with. I wish I could say that the respect is always mutual, but often it's not. I don't know if it all goes back to this idea of the learning hierarchy of medicine, where med students and interns are typically hazed by those above them. Quite honestly I think that docs do that just to make those below them feel like it's so hard to be a doctor, and "look how smart and tough I am for being where I am now." Then you have those docs who announce in a very grandiose tone, "Back in my day, medical students kept their mouth shut and stood in the corner of the room." Yeah, I got that one from the same doc who said to me while I was pregnant, "This is why women shouldn't go into medicine".
I guess my point in all this is that just because I'm a medical student and fairly younger than my superiors, doesn't mean I deserve to be treated like a teenager who needs some serious discipline. I'm a grown woman with a husband and a child of my own. I'm obviously mature and driven enough to have made it this far. And with close to eight years of schooling under my belt, I may actually have some knowledge and skills that are worth something. So when I finally get to climb from the trenches that is residency and become an attending physician, I hope to remember how I felt as a mere medical student and treat my future students with respect.... even if their white coat is a few inches shorter than mine.
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