I haven't been such a great blogger lately.... I could make up some excuse that I've been so busy with school and everything, but quite honestly I haven't. I've just been spending a lot of time playing with my little guy and relaxing. I finished up an amazing family practice rotation, and just started another four week rotation. All my residency applications have been sent, my boards are done, and I've scheduled all my residency interviews! Whew, what a load off my shoulders. The only thing between me and residency is rocking my interviews and entering my list for the match. I really can't believe I'm almost done. I can see the finish line!
Apple picking last year. Killian sound asleep in his sling! |
This month is going to be pretty easy going. I'm only working four days a week and have some great hours. The best part is that the place I'm working at is only about 15 minutes away from my house. I get to come home for lunch and see my little guy, and I have Wednesdays off to be with my boys. So for our first official family day, we decided to go apple picking. Last year Killian was just three months old and slept the entire time we went. This year he's walking and exploring and just so much fun. He's starting to be so independent and refused to let us carry him at all, even though he kept stumbling and tripping every few steps. It was really such a great day just being with my husband and child and enjoying the fall weather.
This year he's big enough to pick his own apples! |
Balancing school and being a wife and mother can be challenging at times. The thing is, you're never on an even keel. Sometimes you put a little more time and energy into one area over the other. Thankfully right now I have the luxury of being able to spend more time with my family, but just a few weeks ago I was devoting all my effort into studying for boards and working on my residency application. It's a give and take. Sometimes I don't always feel like the best mother or the best med student, but I think I do the best I can and at the end of the day I'm proud of my accomplishments.
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