Monday, July 18, 2011

Love & Marriage

Two years ago yesterday I married my best friend. My husband is truly my soulmate. Yes, I'm going to get all mushy on ya here. I spend a lot of time talking about myself on my blog and certainly brag about my kid, but I don't mention my hubby too often. Well, that's because usually people tend to complain about their significant others, and I just don't have anything bad to say about the guy. Also, I am a strong believer that your personal/family drama is better kept to yourself and not displayed on facebook/twitter/blogspot. 

Since it's our anniversary, though, I think it warrants a good blogpost. I met my husband in college. We were grouped together in anatomy lab and did a research project on "Laughter, the best medicine?" (which pretty much sums up our relationship). Even though I thought he was cute, I didn't think anything of him until we touched knees one day. I kid you not, when I say that there was a spark. I went home that night and just knew I had to be with him. Little did I know that our innocent knee-touching would lead to us eventually dating, moving in together, getting married, and then having a beautiful baby boy. It's unreal how life just happens.....

To celebrate two very healthy and happy years of marriage we got all dolled up and went out to dinner, followed by coffee and desert at a cute little place downtown. As we were walking back to our car, a group of women who were dining outside stopped us and asked if we were on our first date. My husband said, "No, actually it's our two year wedding anniversary, but we're flattered!" I think it's cute that people see us like we just started dating, like we were still excited to be together (which we are!).

I kept saying all night that I can't believe it's already been two years. I can honestly say I am just as happy, if not more, than the day we got married. No relationship is perfect, but there's something here that just works. My husband is the love of my life and not only is he an amazing husband, but he's the best father. I can't wait to see what the future holds for us.

"Baby since the day you came into my life, you made me realize that we were born to fly. You show me everyday new possibilities. You prove my fantasy of what love could really be." ~ John Legend

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