Well, I'm sitting at the airport waiting to board my flight to Philadelphia so I can take my final board exam of my med school career. I've only ever flown by myself once before and that was going to an AMA conference, but happened to have someone I knew from my school on the flight. I usually get nervous about flying, and even more so now that I'm alone. To top it all off, I'm going on one of those smaller kinds of planes, which just give me the hibee jibees. They usually make all these scary noises, and the landings are never as pretty as a big Boeing jet.
I remember flying to Ireland for my honeymoon and we had to take a small plane to New Jersey before hoping on the long flight to Limerick. I vomited right after getting off the plane in NJ. Partly because the decent was so rough, but also from my nerves. I just don't like to fly. It's not natural for a billion-pound hunk of metal to defy gravity and fly at the speed of light. NOT NORMAL. But flying to me is better than the alternative, which would be to make a 12 hour drive. And considering I have to miss two days of my clinical rotation to do this thing, the less travel time the better.
The most exciting part to me is getting to stay in a fancy smancy hotel. I LOVE hotels. I would live in one if I could. From the freshly made bed to the bright and shiny bathrooms, hotels just make me feel luxurious (well, I guess it all depends on the actual hotel you stay in). I got a sweet deal where I get dinner and breakfast included in my stay, so I don't have to venture around a city I don't know too well to scrounge for food. Plus I need to actually spend some time preparing for my exam, which I just started to get nervous about. So wish me luck!
I love hotels too!!! I wish I could scoot over to Philly to keep you company. As for the exam, you're gonna do GREAT! xox