6:30 am- Killian wakes up. Despite my husband's best efforts, he won't go back to sleep. It's now playtime. Way too early for playtime. After my husband and I get our bearings and perk up a bit, we start out usually morning routine. I feed Killian breakfast (scrambled eggs and bananas), while he makes us coffee and breakfast. I recently made a comment to my husband about how I don't think I've had an uninterrupted meal since the baby was born. Which is exactly what happened this morning, with Killian screaming at us every time we weren't giving him our undivided attention. That's his new thing, yelling "Aaaahhhhhhhhhh!' till someone looks at him.
After breakfast, my husband was kind enough to take the buggy for a long walk so I can get dressed and get started on my "to do" list (with "studying for boards" at the very top). I had two chapters I wanted to conquer today and an online practice test. After I quickly showered, dressed, and threw my hair up in a low, messy, sideways bun (my new look since taking time to blow-dry my hair is not a priority these days, not to mention it's starting to get a little too hot to run a blow dryer for 15 minutes), I was ready to go.
I started studying on my deck, feeling pretty proud that I had cracked open my book by 8 o'clock. Not too shortly into reading about cohort studies and epidemiology, I was pleasantly interrupted with a phone call from my friend Emily. We chatted for a while, over coffee of course, about the usual boy stuff and then girly stuff and some work stuff. Back to reality a short half hour later.... back to reading about positive predictive values and incidence of diseases. Blagh.

Feeling guilty that I didn't get a run in this morning, Killian and I went for a nice walk after he ate. Probably for the best since I ran about 3 miles the last few days training for my 5k, and my shins splints were KILLING me. Two miles in the mosquitos were making their daily debut so we heading back to the house to start winding down our evening. Tubby time! Now this is where things get a little crazy. Stripping down a ten month old, bathing him, drying him, diaper, lotion, pj's, brush teeth.... ideally you would need a whole team to get this accomplished! But tonight it's just me and let's just say I'm a bit of pro by now.
After a bottle and reading "How I Became a Pirate" (one of my favorite bedtime books), and a screaming battle after putting him in his crib, he was finally asleep. Hubby's home (Thank God!). I then do my "speed cleaning" of the destruction that is our house, picking up toys everywhere, dishes, cleaning the bathroom up from our previous tubby experience, wiping down counters. Which leaves me where I am right now. Sitting on the couch watching "Mystic River" with my husband, icing my shins with my ice packs that I used for my boobs while I was breastfeeding (You gotta improvise, and they work great!), and writing to you folks.
That's my day in a nutshell. It may not seem too thrilling to you, but it's my life and I think it's pretty great.
Love this! A few witty takeaways: 1)I'm glad to know there is someone else out there who posts only the good parts of her day even when things are hectic. 2) I'd love to see this messy sideways bun of yours and how it looks...pictures please :) 3) I'm adding "how I became a Pirate" to my must read list...where the hell was Oprah's book club on THAT one! 4) Ice packs on your boobs while breastfeeding? Oh dear...that is scary...not having children, I can't imagine what kind of wild night it would take to necessitate ice packs...maybe I'll have to investigate ;)
Hahaha, I love you Emily! The ice packs are for when you first start breastfeeding and your boobs are constantly engorged and painful. And then when you are weaning off breastfeeding and your boobs are constantly engorged and painful. The middle part's a breeze!